How To Get Your Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Card Online
Getting an Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Card online is a process that involves speaking with a doctor and filling out some online paperwork with the state. To become an Oklahoma medical marijuana patient, you can first talk with one of our doctors to see if you qualify and we will help you through the application process.
Qualifying Conditions:
In contrast to most states with medical marijuana programs in the United States, the Oklahoma program does not identify a specific list of qualifying conditions. A physician may certify a patient if they feel that the use of medical marijuana will be an appropriate treatment for that patient’s particular medical condition.
Several Oklahoma-licensed physicians may use other states’ lists of qualifying conditions as a viable metric when determining whether a patient would benefit from the use of medical marijuana for a specific condition, but the conditions that qualify are up to the doctor to determine.
Documentation Needed:
When registering post-appointment, you’ll need to provide all of the following items to show proof of Oklahoma residency, photographic identification and a full-face digital photograph
Proof of Residency (one of the following):
- An Oklahoma driver’s license (scanned front and back)
- An Oklahoma identification card (scanned front and back)
- An Oklahoma voter I.D. card
- An Oklahoma utility bill (for the calendar month preceding the date of application. Cell phone and internet bills will NOT be accepted).
- A residential property deed showing ownership of Oklahoma property
- A valid rental agreement for a residential Oklahoma property
Proof of Identity (one of the following):
- An Oklahoma driver’s license (scanned front and back)
- An Oklahoma identification card (scanned front and back)
- A U.S. passport (or other photo I.D. issued by the U.S government)
- A tribal I.D. card approved for identification purposes by the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety
Digital photo of face:
- Click here for detailed instructions on how to submit a digital photograph for your Oklahoma medical marijuana application. Simply visit to schedule your secure video chat appointment. Talk to one of our board-certified doctors to get your medical marijuana recommendation to schedule your secure video chat appointment and talk to one of our board-certified doctors to get your medical marijuana recommendation letter. We generally have same-day appointments available, or you can schedule an appointment in the future. We process your physician recommendation letter. Send you a digital copy that you can upload to the state portal website. The online application can be found by clicking here. If you are approved qualified, the state will mail your card within 14 days.
Oklahoma State Application Fee:
Once you have completed the online application, submitted the physician recommendation and all other required documentation, the online application fee must be paid to the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA) for review. Reduced-fee applications are available for $20 for those who qualify. Can provide proof of enrollment in) Medicaid (SoonerCare) or Medicare.
- Oklahoma medical marijuana cards are valid for two years.
All application fees MUST be paid with a Visa, MasterCard, or Discover credit or debit card. If you do not have a credit or debit card, you must find a retail store that offers prepaid Visa or MasterCards and purchase one there.
Also, be advised that these state application fees are separate from PrestoDoctor appointment fees.
Curious about pricing? You can find the PrestoDoctor evaluation cost for an Oklahoma medical card here.
Get 420 evaluations at the website in the link.