
Showing posts from June, 2022

Cautiously Enters Medical Marijuana Market

Barely knee high, it is one of about 50 government-sanctioned "mother plants" to be cloned for future generations of crops for the country's fledgling medicinal marijuana industry. "I think we'll see Australia punch above its weight, both in agriculture research as well as medical technology," says Crook, the chief executive of Cann Group Limited, the firm granted Australia's first commercial grower's licence. "As different conditions come online we are going to see the market grow rapidly." Following Canada, Israel, and more than half the US states, who through varying approaches have legalised medicinal marijuana, Australia has signalled its intention for a homegrown industry. But a patchwork of regulations that guard access for many desperate patients, and a lack of confidence among doctors in prescribing the drug, are acting as impediments. While recreational marijuana use remains illegal in Australia laws passed last year permit medica...

Does Medical Marijuana Help Or Harm Kids With Cancer?

That's one of the main takeaways from a new report in Pediatrics detailing one hospital's approach to medical marijuana. Doctors at Children's Hospital Colorado do not prescribe medical marijuana. But when kids are admitted, some are already using some form of it. In other cases, parents want to know if it might help with persistent problems like nausea or pain. Several years ago, the hospital decided it needed a formal policy on the matter. It wasn't just about deciding whether kids could use the products in the hospital, according to Dr. David Brumbaugh, associate chief medical officer. It was also about giving parents accurate information and "having an open conversation," he said. "We don't want to just say, 'No, you can't do this in the hospital,' because that's not right," Brumbaugh said. "But also, families might continue to use it without telling us." And, he said, it's important for doctors to be aware of al...

Medical Marijuana What Is The Difference Between CBD And THC - Supplements

Recently, the topic of medical marijuana has been surfacing more and more often in foreign media, scientists are trying their best to get permissions and funding for research in this area, believing in its promise, and in many countries of the world, decriminalization and legalization are underway. Most hype now causes a substance such as CBD or cannabidiol contained in the hemp plant. Today it can be found anywhere - from food to decorative cosmetics. Quite legally purchased in online stores in the form of oil. And all because CBD does not have psychoactive properties, unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), but it has healing properties. Since CBD is an active component of marijuana itself, you can get profit from it by smoking a joint in the old fashioned way. The main thing is to make sure that a grade with a predominance of this particular substance, rather than THC, is clogged in your joint if you just want to relax and relieve anxiety or pain, and not, as usual, get stuck in the couc...

Use Cannabis For Treating Pain In Your Pets

A growing number of pet owners have been informing their doctors that they have experimented with or otherwise administered medical marijuana to specifically their animals. Some doctors’ own dogs have succumbed to diseases that, after exhausted every legal, traditional therapy option, including steroids, only medicinal marijuana could alleviate. They think that there is compelling evidence for supporting the use of medicinal marijuana in the veterinary patients as specifically an additional or an alternative treatment for the pain after post operation or the general severe pain. Because the requirements for the clinical research upon schedule I medicines are so stringent, many of the physicians as well as health care groups are requesting that they should reschedule marijuana so that more of the researches could be done which could easily create some new and fresh cannabinoid-based medications. Best Pet Cbd Oil has been doing a great work. Veterinarians agree with the AMA and feel that...

LA Medical Marijuana Users Are Having A Bad Day Today

Today isn't the best day for Los Angeles medical marijuana users. Anthony J Mohr who is a Superior Court judge turned down all motions from 29 various medical marijuana dispensaries to stop enforcement of the medical pot ordinance law. And while the Los Angeles city attorney's office is happy about this, medical marijuana users throughout Los Angeles hate this as it's a sad day for them. The Los Angeles city attorney's office spent a lot of time and money defending the medical marijuana ordinance which was aggressively fought and despised by quite a few lawyers working for the medical marijuana dispensaries. Judge Anthony Mohr who deals with some of the most difficult cases in LA County, entertained a series of hearings that lasted quite a few months listening to arguments on both sides as well as quite a few constitutional issues raised by these marijuana collectives. The judge looked very deeply into this dilemma, and took a very close look at all the medical marijuan...

Legalising Medical Marijuana

Legalising medical marijuana will prevent the substance from being sold in the black market and being open to abuse, say marijuana advocates. Dr Kelvin Yii, a member of the newly formed parliamentary caucus to study regulations on the use of marijuana and ketum for medical purposes, said they were looking into legalising medical cannabis or hemp which contains cannabidiol (CBD), which has proven health benefits. He said based on various research studies, the evidence on the health benefits of cannabis has been mounting over the past 10 years. These include treatment for nausea caused by chemotherapy, muscle relaxants to relieve muscle tightness sometimes associated with multiple sclerosis and paralysis, as well as to promote appetite and treat chronic pain. “When we talk about legalising, it is not about having it widely circulated in the open market but rather proper regulations so it is used specifically for its medicinal and economic properties only. “This means there is an element ...

Glamorous Life Coach 'signed Off On 600 FAKE Exemption Certificates'

A life coach charged with posing as a doctor and writing 600 fake Covid 'exemption certificates' believed she had the authority to hand out medical documents, police claim. Maria Pau, also known as Maria Power, is alleged to have issued the exemptions from a premises in Labrador on the Gold Coast, with the certificates stating a person is exempt from undergoing COVID testing, receiving a vaccine and wearing a mask. On Wednesday, police arrested the 45-year-old woman from Darling Heights, near Toowoomba, at an address on Robert St, Labrador. She was charged under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law with five counts of taking a title indicating a person is a health practitioner. Police allege she charged $150 per certificate to a clientele located across Australia. At a press conference in Brisbane on Thursday, Detective Acting Inspector Damien Powell from Taskforce Sierra Linnet said Ms Pau had made admissions to having issued 600 exemption certificates after a tip-o...