Should CBD Become A Part Of Your Wellness Routine In These Troubling Times?
Cannabis is a complex plant with more than 400 chemical compounds, but the two most prevalent cannabinoids are tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, and cannabidiol, or CBD -- and they're the compounds responsible for raising cannabis' profile in the medical community. While THC is the compound that has psychoactive properties and gives the euphoria or high that people experience, CBD -- its nonpsychoactive sister, so to speak -- has emerged as a shining star -- without the mind-altering potential of THC. Hemp-derived CBD versus CBD derived from marijuana (cannabis) CBD is found in both hemp and marijuana, both of which are varieties of the Cannabis sativa plant. The cannabis plant has two main subspecies, Cannabis indica and Cannabis sativa. But while hemp has been selectively bred to remove the cannabinoid THC almost entirely, the marijuana variety can contain up to 30% THC, according to Dr. June Chin, author of "Cannabis and CBD for Health and Wellness." She has integrated...