Questions To Ask When Applying For A California Medical Marijuana Card
The State of California legalized marijuana for medical use in 1996. Marijuana for recreational use in 2016. There are over 915,845 authorized medical marijuana users in the state today. Several California users even cultivate cannabis at home. Possession of a California Medical Marijuana Card can give holders access to more cannabis products. The most significant benefit to becoming a cardholder is that cardholders can obtain marijuana at cheaper rates. What is the Legal Status of Marijuana in California? While the legal status of cannabis is still being debated at the Federal level, cannabis is legal for medical use and recreational use in California. The local government no longer stops adults over 21 years of age from growing or using marijuana in California. Growers and suppliers must get registered to continue supplying cannabis to customers. Several retail stores in California now sell cannabis products, and cannabis-infused edibles, drinks, and baked goods are widely available ...